Thursday, January 05, 2023

ChatGPT writes a Google Chrome browser extension

(I have not yet tested this extension.)

Google Chrome Extensions: Please tell me which programming language is most suitable for writing browser extensions for Google Chrome.

Google Chrome extensions can be developed using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. These are the core technologies for building web pages and creating web applications, and they are also the most suitable languages for writing browser extensions for Google Chrome.

JavaScript is used to add interactivity to web pages and to implement the logic of the extension. HTML is used to structure the extension's content and to define the user interface. CSS is used to style the extension's user interface.

You can also use other languages that can be transpiled to JavaScript, such as TypeScript or CoffeeScript, to write your extension. However, the extension will ultimately be run as JavaScript in the browser, so it's important to have a good understanding of JavaScript to develop Chrome extensions.

Please discuss 10 most useful Google Chrome extensions.

There are many useful Google Chrome extensions that can help you with a variety of tasks. Here are 10 of the most useful ones:

AdBlock Plus - This extension blocks ads and pop-ups, making your browsing experience faster and more pleasant.

Grammarly - This extension checks your spelling and grammar as you type, helping you to write better and more accurately.

LastPass - This extension stores your passwords and logs you into websites automatically, saving you time and helping you to stay secure.

Evernote Web Clipper - This extension allows you to save web pages, images, and other content to your Evernote account, so you can access it later.

Pocket - This extension lets you save web pages, articles, and videos to view later, even when you're offline.

Hootsuite - This extension allows you to manage your social media accounts from one place, saving you time and effort.

OneTab - This extension helps you to organize your tabs, reducing clutter and improving performance.

StayFocusd - This extension helps you to stay focused by blocking distracting websites or limiting the amount of time you can spend on them.

Boomerang for Gmail - This extension adds extra features to Gmail, such as the ability to schedule emails to be sent later and to receive reminders if you don't get a response.

Dark Reader - This extension inverts the colors of web pages, making them easier to read at night or in low light conditions.

These are just a few examples of the many useful Google Chrome extensions that are available. I hope this helps!

Please write a Google Chrome extension to help me find 4K HDRI CC0 images of space.

Sure! Here's a Google Chrome extension that will help you find 4K HDRI CC0 images of space:

Create a new folder for your extension and open it in a text editor.

Create a file called "manifest.json" and add the following code to it:

Copy code


  "manifest_version": 2,

  "name": "4K HDRI CC0 Space Images",

  "description": "Finds 4K HDRI CC0 images of space.",

  "version": "1.0",

  "permissions": ["activeTab"],

  "browser_action": {

    "default_icon": "icon.png",

    "default_popup": "popup.html"



Create a file called "popup.html" and add the following code to it:

Copy code

<!doctype html>



    <title>4K HDRI CC0 Space Images</title>



    <h1>4K HDRI CC0 Space Images</h1>

    <p>Find 4K HDRI CC0 images of space by clicking the button below:</p>

    <button id="find-images-button">Find Images</button>

    <script src="popup.js"></script>



Create a file called "popup.js" and add the following code to it:

Copy code

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {

  var findImagesButton = document.getElementById('find-images-button');

  findImagesButton.addEventListener('click', function() {

    var query = "4K HDRI CC0 space images";

    var url = "" + encodeURIComponent(query);

    chrome.tabs.create({url: url});



Create an "icon.png" file and add it to the extension's folder. This will be the icon for the extension in the Chrome toolbar.

In Google Chrome, go to the "Extensions" page (chrome://extensions/).

Enable "Developer mode" by clicking the toggle switch in the top right corner of the page.

Click the "Load unpacked" button and select the folder containing your extension.

The extension will now be installed and you can use it to find 4K HDRI CC0 images of space by clicking the icon in the Chrome toolbar.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions.